Dynamical Properties of Firing Patterns in
the Huber-Braun Cold Receptor Model in Response to External Current Stimuli
Jing Wang, Liu Shenquan,Wang H. Zeng Y.
We have studied the role of external
current stimuli in a four-dimensional Hodgkin-Huxley-type model of cold
receptor in this paper. Firstly, we researched its firing patterns from direct
current (DC) and alternating current (AC) stimuli. Under different values of DC
stimulus intensity, interspike intervals (ISIs)
with period-doubling bifurcation phenomena appeared. Second, research has shown
that neurons are extremely sensitive to changes in the frequency and amplitude
of the current used to stimulate them. As the stimulus frequency increased,
discharge rhythms emerged ranging from burst firing to chaotic firing and
spiking firing. Meanwhile, various phase-locking patterns have been studied in
this paper, such as p :1 (p > 1), 1 : q (q > 1), 2 : q (q > 1) and p :
q (p, q > 1), etc. Finally, based on the fast-slow dynamics analysis,
codimension-two bifurcation analysis of the fast subsystem was performed in the
parameter (a(sr), B)-plane. We mainly investigated cusp bifurcation, fold-Hopf
bifurcation, Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation and generalized Hopf bifurcation.
These results revealed the effect of external current stimuli on the neuronal
discharge rhythm and were instructive for further understanding the dynamical
properties and mechanisms of the Huber-Braun model.